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Want to climb to the highest crow's nest and wield the most powerful spyglass? This be yer chance! Ye now possess an interactive world map to help ye steer yer captain's wheel.
We're all hands on deck here at Rare Thief, continuously updating this map to keep it shipshape. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or notice missing/incorrect information, please feel free to tell the crew: @RareThief.
Many thanks me hearties!
Ancient Spire Outpost
Dagger Tooth Outpost
Galleon's Grave Outpost
Port Merrick
Morrow's Peak Outpost
Plunder Outpost
Sanctuary Outpost
Ancient Gold Fortress
Ashen Reaches
Barnacle Cay
Black Sand Atoll
Black Water Enclave
Blind Man's Lagoon
Booty Isle
Boulder Cay
Brian's Bazaar
Brimstone Rock
Cannon Cove
Castaway Isle
Chicken Isle
Cinder Islet
Crescent Isle
Crook's Hollow
Cursewater Shores
Cutlass Cay
Devil's Ridge
Discovery Ridge
Fetcher's Rest
Flame's End
Flintlock Peninsula
Fools Lagoon
Glowstone Cay
Hidden Spring Keep
Imperial Crown Fortress
Isle of Last Words
Keel Haul Fort
Kraken Watchtower
Kraken's Fall
Lagoon of Whispers
Liar's Backbone
Lone Cove
Lonely Isle
Lookout Point
Lost Gold Fort
Magma's Tide
Mercy's End Fortress
Marauder's Arch
Mermaid's Hideaway
Mutineer Rock
Fort of the Damned
Old Faithful Isle
Old Brinestone Fortress
Old Salts Atoll
Paradise Spring
Picaroon Palms
Plunder Valley
Plunderer's Plight
Rapier Cay
Roaring Sands
Roaring Traders
Royal Crest Fortress
Ruby's Fall
Rum Runner Isle
Sailor's Bounty
Sailor's Knot Stronghold
Salty Sands
Sandy Shallows
Scorched Pass
Scurvy Isley
Sea Dog's Rest
Shark Bait Cove
Shark Fin Camp
Shark Tooth Key
Shipwreck Bay
Shiver Retreat
Skull Keep
Smugglers' Bay
Snake Island
Stephen's Spoils
The Crooked Masts
The Crow's Nest Fortress
The Devil's Thirst
The Finest Trading Post
The Forsaken Brink
The North Star Seapost
The Reaper's Hideout
The Spoils of Plenty Store
The Sunken Grove
The Wild Treasures Store
Thieves' Haven
Three Paces East Seapost
Traitor's Fate Fortress
Tri-Rock Isle
Twin Groves
Wanderer's Refuge
Molten Sands Fortress
The Coral Fortress
Shrine of Hungering
Shrine of the Coral Tomb
Shrine of Ocean's Fortune
Shrine of Ancient Tears
Shrine of Flooded Embrace
Shrine of Tribute
Treasury of Sunken Shores
Treasury of the Lost Ancients
Treasury of the Secret Wilds
Uncharted Isle at K9
Uncharted Isle at N13
Sea Dog's Tavern
Tribute Peak